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Wrap-N-Rock-Gems Hand Made Jewelry
You Might Be A Rock Hound If...
- You think you KNOW how to pronounce "chalcedony."
- You are thinking about giving out specimens for Halloween.
- You planted flowers in your rock garden.
- You purchase things like drywall compound just to have another nice bucket to carry rocks in.
- The club you belong to uses rocks for centerpieces for the annual Christmas dinner.
- The first thing you pack for your vacation is a chisel and a hammer.
- You spend hours and hours in the ugliest room in your house.
- You give directions like, "turn right at the green farmhouse ..."
- You bought the ugliest boots available because they were waterproof.
- You know what "findings" are for.
- You watch the scenery in movies instead of the actors.
- They won't give you time off from work to attend the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, but you go anyway.
- You begin fussing because the light strips you installed on your bookshelves aren't full spectrum.
- You've spent more than ten dollars for a rock.
- You've spent more than ten dollars for a book about rocks.
- You still think pet rocks are a pretty neat idea.
- You have amethyst in your aquarium.
- You associate the word "hard" with a value on the Mohs scale instead of "work."
- You know the location of every rock shop within a 100-mile radius of your home.
- You're retired and still thinking of adding another room to your house.
- You're planning on using a pick and shovel while you're on vacation.
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